

I think you will find that the browser is trying to decrypt the whole document not just your bit.


Why are you bothering? This is free in IIS6.

Dale Fraser


From: [] On Behalf Of Andrew Scott
Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 14:01 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Compressing the output to the browser via CF


Ok I thought I was onto a beginning here by getting coldfusion to compress the content, and then redisplay it. In its basic form this will only do text at this stage, but it is a start.


Anyway I hit a snag, I can not for the life of me get the browser to deflate the string. Anyone see the problem at all, I have tried many combinations of the cfcontent and cfheader but not the right one by the looks of it.

            <cffunction name="onRequestEnd" returntype="boolean" output="true">

                        <cfargument name="thePage" type="string" required="true">

                        <cfset var myString ="Andrew was here in 2006" />

                        <cfset var fileOut = '' />

                        <cfset var out = '' /> 


                          pageOut = getPageContext().getCFOutput().getString();



                                    fileOut = createobject("java", "").init();

                                    out = createobject("java","").init(fileOut);

                out.write(variables.pageOut.getBytes(), 0, len(variables.pageOut.getBytes()));

                                    // Complete the GZIP file




                  <cfheader name="Content-Length" value="#fileOut.toString().length()#">

                        <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=UTF-8" reset="yes">

                  <cfheader name="Content-Encoding" value="gzip">


                        <cfreturn true />






Senior Coldfusion Developer

Aegeon Pty. Ltd.

Phone: +613  8676 4223

Mobile: 0404 998 273


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