Sure, all that makes sense. We've been miscommunicating a bit. On point 2, I
wasn't proposing that folks watching a recorded presentation have remote
attendees. Anyway, beyond your group I was also talking as much to the whole
CFAussie list. Hope the suggestions and resources will be helpful.


-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Gareth Edwards
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 6:50 PM
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: Remotely attending? Recording the talk? (was RE:
[cfaussie] REMINDER: CFUG QLD 6:30 pm, Tuesday, October 3 2006)

Charlie, I think you miss interpreted what I was saying with point 1. I
think using Breeze for remote or recorded presentations is great, and this
has been done many times. Its the recording of a local presentation that I
think would be the trouble, quite a task was referring to recording a local
presentation. Another issue is that the locations we have used (Maybe its
Brisbane?), don't seem to have fast and reliable internet access. So we have
had a few cfug's where online presentations were tried, but have not been
successful. In one case I have given a presentation with 2 minutes notice in
other cases we have used recorded presentations (on CD) previously recorded
using screen capture software.

With point 2. what I was saying, is how is one to remotely sit in on a CFUG
presentation if the presentation is pre-recorded?

Lastly, I think Breeze is great, and I think we intend to continue using it
as much as possible, just not sure about the remote attendee's part.


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