OK.. Please no messages saying "ooh.. evaluate() bad..", but


str_text = "This works in 90% of all operations";

str_text = replace(str_text, "##", "####", "all");
str_text = ReReplace(str_text, "([0-9]*)%","##\1-25##%","all");

result = evaluate(DE(str_text));


<cfdump var="#result#">

-----Original Message-----
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Matthew
Sent: Thursday, 14 December 2006 12:43 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Regular expressions - backreference as a number

Hi guys,

I need to write a regex which can search through a paragraph of text
and replace any number written as a percentage with itself minus 25%
i.e. replace 100% with 75%, 90% with 65% etc etc.
Here is a sample paragraph:
Provides passengers with a cabin that contains a 3-berth sleeping
compartment in 2nd class. 100% exchangeable and refundable up to 3 days
before departure. 90% exchangeable and refundable from 3 days before
departure up to 60 days after departure. Can be exchanged in France
prior to the travel date.
I've writen a regex to find all strings where a number has a "%" symbol
after it and replace it with "FOO":
<cfdump var="#ReReplace(str_text,"([0-9]+%)+","FOO","all")#">
Now I want to use the backreference and subtract 25, but it seems the
backreference can only be treated as a string:
<cfdump var="#ReReplace(str_text,"([0-9]+%)+","\1-25","all")#">
Which produces: "100%-25", wrong I know!!!

I'm guessing that I will have to be to write a REFind and do some
replaces etc, however it would be great if someone could write it all
in a regex.


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