Did you delete any cached templates in the CFIDE folder?

> Scott - thats precisely why we use cfqueryparam - and the performance
> increase is marked, especially on inserts. There is a performance hit
> on the first time the query is put together, but after that you save
> time.
> Andrew - I thought the cached templates could be it - but its not, we
> just ran a control test: turn off cache, restart cf, change column,
> try query. And it still errors.
> On Mar 2, 1:33 pm, Andrew Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Scott,
> >
> > Well although I know what you said, I see no reason to add overhead to my
> > application to provide a stop measure for SQL injection when I have already
> > taken care of it before my code ever reaches there in a cffunction. As far
> > as making sure it is an integer instead of numeric, I couldn't care less
> > it's not an overhead I will put into my applications.
> >
> > And to be honest, I would prefer to write SP's and have it on the DB side if
> > that to be the case.
> >
> > Andrew Scott
> > Senior Coldfusion Developer
> > Aegeon Pty. Ltd.www.aegeon.com.au
> > Phone: +613  8676 4223
> > Mobile: 0404 998 273
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> >
> > Of Scott Thornton
> > Sent: Friday, 2 March 2007 12:25 PM
> > To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
> > Subject: [cfaussie] @#$!! queryparam
> >
> > Andrew,
> >
> > I disagree.
> >
> > Although cfqueryparam performs vailidation, it is not the reason you should
> > be using it.
> >
> > cfqueryparam makes the database engine use parameter binding on your
> > queries. For example your query below would look different to the db engine
> > every time it is run
> >
> > eg:
> >   Select * from Employees where EmployeeId = 1
> >   Select * from Employees where EmployeeId = 2
> >   Select * from Employees where EmployeeId = 3
> >
> > so your database engine builds different query execution plans for each of
> > these queries (in addition to validating the query, checking\casting the
> > parameter types etc)
> >
> > etc
> >
> > But with parameter binding the databse engine is executing something that
> > looks more like a stored procedure,
> >
> >   Select * from Employees where EmployeeId = @var1
> >
> > Here is an example from a SQL profile trace on my server:
> >
> > declare @P1 int
> > set @P1=30
> > exec sp_prepexec @P1 output, N'@P1 decimal(38,0)', N'SELECT
> >                            IsNull(SUM(ITEM.SB_INVOICE_COST),0) AS TOT_COST,
> >                            IsNull(SUM(CASE WHEN ITEM.SB_ITEM_STATUS_CODE =
> >                                 FROM
> >                                         SB_INVOICE_ITEM ITEM
> >                                 WHERE
> >                                         ITEM.SB_INV_BATCH_ID = @P1 ', 1387
> > select @P1
> >

Peter Tilbrook
ColdGen Internet Solutions
President, ACT and Region ColdFusion Users Group
PO Box 2247
Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620


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