On Mar 13, 7:58 pm, "Scott Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think you're suffering from too much sceptism and the only valid
> reason I can think of that would potentially be irrelevant to hosting
> within Microsoft is that can't be assed moving the meetings or that
> you're comfortable with the current place (either is perfectly valid
> and aok).

Thats two points Scott.
1. Scepticism. I've never claimed not to be a sceptic. Is it too much,
or am I just being cautious? Its not a descision that only effects me,
so I'll always err on the side of caution.
2. Reasons for moving. You gave two actually. As I explained before,
at this point, we couldn't be bothered moving, because there just
isn't enough reason to do it that benefits the User Group, beyond it
just being a novelty, and secondly, we are comfortable where we are.
And as you said, they are valid and OK reasons.

> I remember at the Flash Platform User Group you walked up and said
> "Adobe are coming here so if you need to leave let me know"...
> Seriously dude, you need to move past this Adobe vs Microsoft crap
> that you're somehow subscribing too as my metric within Microsoft is
> anything that touches a browser and pieces that support it.

Scott, that quote has been taken grossly out of context, and you know
it. It was said as a joke, with a huge grin on my face, in relation to
other peoples attitudes, that you knew I wasn't subscribing to. Don't
start stooping to behaving like that or you'll be reinforcing the
attitudes that you are trying to change.
Microsoft is currently battling against its reputation for past
behaviours. You've got to change those behaviours, and keep them
changed, _without_exception_, before you can expect people to believe
you've really changed.

Darren Tracey

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