On Aug 1, 9:57 pm, Robin Hilliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here you are, fresh from the distributor earlier this afternoon:
> http://www.rocketboots.com.au/blog/index.cfm?
> mode=entry&entry=213A7FF9-9D02-5973-871580C49CE9ACA4
> And to finish (reignite?  Please keep your hats on) the pricing  
> thread:  Enterprise price increased 28%, Standard 2.5%.  If the  
> thread is going to go on, let's at least have a good look at the new  
> Enterprise features and keep the "I think ColdFusion should be free,  
> no dammit they should pay me to use ColdFusion, AND it should be open  
> source" discussion to another thread.
> Thanks,
> Robin
> Robin Hilliard

I don't really care about the price since I've never had to pay for it
myself and the companies I have worked for have never regarded price
as an issue, but I'll add my 2.5 cents anyway (used to be 2c but I've
recently raised my rates.)

So when was CF7 released anyway? 4 or 5 years ago.  Inflation has been
about 3 or 4 % per year since then, so CF8 needs to be priced at least
12% higher just to stay the same in real terms.  Bananas go up in
price over the years, cars go up, petrol goes up.  Why shouldn't
software go up?  The only things that go down in price is stuff that
can be manufactured in China.  There is a trend to outsource software
maintainence to low-cost highly-skilled countries like India, but that
has never really caught on when it comes to new product development.

Computer hardware goes down because of improved manufacturing
techniques and increases in economies of scale, but has software ever
followed the same cost curve as hardware?  The major cost input to new
software products are labour - the cost of the programmers who write
the code and the best software labourers keep raising their rates.

  So is there anyone out there who charges less than they did when CF7
was released?  Tell me Dale, how would you feel about working for the
same rate that you were getting when CF7 was released?


> CEO - RocketBoots Pty Limited
> Consulting . Recruitment . Software Licensing . 
> Traininghttp://www.rocketboots.com.au
> m    +61 418 414 341

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