Thanks everyone,

I already use a http post based system but am thinking that a cfc might be more 
appropriate, and more secure, these days - though http is still the simplest to 

Thanks for all the suggestions!


Brett Payne-Rhodes wrote:
> I have a CMS that runs as a separate sub-domain to the actual site being 
> administered. On occasion (and seemingly more and more) there is a need for 
> the CMS to tell the website that some update has been made and that it should 
> reload application and/or session variables. And a recent requirement is for 
> the notification to come from an entirely different application.
> Before I launch into a complete rewrite of the current system, which predates 
> webservices, I was wondering what methods others on this list might be using 
> that they would recommend. The two key features being simplicity and 
> security, which I agree are probably conflicting, but hey...
> Cheers,
> Brett
> B)
> > 

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