MrBuzzy wrote:
> Hi, has anyone experienced this? Perhaps there's a way round it...

Yes, we used to see it all of the time until we twigged.

> I have a couple of cf instances running on the same sever and domain.
> Each is fronted with iis and are uniquely identified by the sub
> domain, like:

All of our servers have domain names of the form:
Going into more than one at at time CFIDE-wise is a no-no.

> The problem: say I'm browsing both sites (multiple windows or tabs,
> whatever) eventually the cf administrators gets funky - settings don't
> stick, passwords are ignored. The page appears to refresh but doesn't
> do anything.

Our most common one is form variables getting munged, eg open a 
datasource and seeing the wrong parameters! Oo, nasty, can give a big 
fright :-)

> My solution: close all browser windows and then go back to the cf
> admin page to continue where I left off.

We have these URLs set to "don't remember anything" in the browser as a 
starter and only one instance at a time and you are OK. Otherwise it is 
as you say, trash it and start over.

> I believe the cause is cflogin cookies used in cfadmin, which seem to
> clash by path or domain but I've never quite worked it out.

We certainly think it is domain name related. If we need two CFAdmins 
open under the same domain we use different browsers, Firefox by default 
and IE for the second one. Going to servers on different domains, say and, causes no problem.

Kym K

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