Hi Ian,

I'm not on 10.5 (but 10.4) and my default JVM is 1.5.0_13. If you specify
a path in jvm.config, I think it should be:


But you should have to set it at all - Please try toleave java.home just 
blank as in:


Would it start then? It then should pick up whatever the symbolic link
/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/CurrentJDK is 
pointing to.

If leaving it blank doesn't do the trick you could try to change 
CurrentJDK to a different JVM, i.e. 1.4.2 (I assume your default would 
point to 1.5.0).

What's the response if you type java -version in a terminal window,
i.e. which version of JVM is used in there?

If all that still doesn't help then try to get the SoyLatte JVM 1.6
and give it a try with that - this one would be not official Apple-Java
but a port from FreeBSD to OSX and it's structure is much more like the
non-Apple JVMs, i.e. it has a /jre folder etc...


>Hi Mark,
>Applications/JRun4/bin/jvm.config looks like this:
># VM configuration
># Where to find JVM, if {java.home}/jre exists then that JVM is used
># if not then it must be the path to the JRE itself
># If no java.home is specified a VM is located by looking in these
>places in this
># order:
>#  1) JAVA_HOME environment variables (same rules as java.home above)
>#  2) bin directory for java.dll (windows) or lib/<ARCH>/libjava.so (unix)
>#  3) ../jre 
>#  4) registry (windows only)

Kai Koenig
Director & Software Solutions Architect
Ventego Creative Ltd

154 Parkvale Road, Karori
Wellington, New Zealand
Office: +64  4 476 6781
Mobile: +64 21 928 365

web: http://www.ventego-creative.co.nz
blog: http://www.bloginblack.de

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