Hi All,


I have started implementing Coldspring into an app I'm working on and I
was after some opinions on the best way to call the beans.

This is a fusebox 5.5 (noXml) implementation.


My main aim is to avoid lots of 'unnecessary' code but keeping
performance at a maximum.


I think I have 2 primary options.. (Pros & cons as I see them..)


1. Set all coldspring beans into local variable scope on every request
in application.cfc

       <!--- application.cfc --->

<cfset thisService = application.beanFactory.getBean("thisService") />

      <cfset thatService =
application.beanFactory.getBean("thatService") />

       ... 20+ beans


       Pros: Ease of maintenance, results in shorter syntax

       Cons: Possible performance hit



2. Set only the beans needed for the request in the controller and also
make it available to the view templates

      <!--- controller --->

      <cfset var thisService =
application.beanFactory.getBean("thisService") />

      <cfset var thatService =
application.beanFactory.getBean("thatService") />

      <cfset event.setValue("myQuery",thisService.myMethod()) />

      <cfset event.setValue("thatService",thatService)) />


      <!--- view --->

      <cfset myQuery = event.getValue("myQuery") />

      <cfloop query="myQuery">




      Pros: All beans not copied to local variables scope every request

      Cons: More code to do the same job as scenario 1


Any comments appreciated.




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