Please remember to RSVP before 12:00 noon tomorrow

After a bit of a date change this month for the Pre-WebDU event, we're 
moving back to our regular schedule this month.

We will talk about some potential Coldfusion 9 features that will rock 
your world, as well as a quick look at Railo "The Alternate CFML Engine"

We will dive a little deeper into the Eclipse, I mean, into Eclipse and 
look at some basics, some features you may or may not know about,
as well maybe even look at some new features in the next version of the 
Eclipse platform and talk about what potential these may have.

As usual we will have Food, Drinks and time for discussions.

I look forward to seeing you at the July 2008 Coldfusion Usergroup

Please use the URL below to RSVP

Or more information at the URL below

Gareth Edwards
Queensland Coldfusion Usergroup

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