would it be more a simpler way to do a straight query?

select * from users where userID not in
(select userId from those that posted today)

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 11:54 AM, Seona Bellamy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Have a system that people are supposed to log into every day and make
> an entry. I've been asked to created a scheduled task that every
> evening will look for all of the users who haven't made an entry today
> and send them a reminder email, but I'm having trouble getting me head
> around how to get that information.
> I have the following query, called "qReminders", that gets all of the entries:
>       SELECT  u.emailaddress, u.firstname, u.surname, u.rec_id,
> bde.bde_entrydate
>       FROM    users u
>                       INNER JOIN body_diaries bd ON u.rec_id = bd.bdi_usr_id
>                       INNER JOIN body_diary_entries bde ON bd.bdi_id
> = bde.bde_bdi_id
>       WHERE   u.user_level = 1
>       ORDER BY u.rec_id, bde.bde_entrydate
> So then I thought I'd do a query-of-query on this one to get the
> details of all the people who haven't made an entry today, but I can't
> figure out what the filtering clauses would be. Just getting the
> records that aren't today's won't work. I need a way to say "where
> bde_entrydate does not include today's date in one of the records
> returned for this user".
> Is this even a good way to go about it? I'm concerned that doing an
> initial query that gets everything could become quite stupidly large
> over time.
> Cheers,
> Seona.
> >

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