I am an equal opportunist and i hate with great disdain these dam gender specific lobby groups

To put you in the picture to illustrate my point of how i see equality amongst men and women here is my thoughts on who's job it is to stay home and look after the kids whilst they are pre primary school (as i am not a believer in passing off kids to day care 5 days a week so someone else can raise them !!!!)

Back to the topic, from my perspective i it does not matter if the mother or the father is the one to step out of the workforce for a number of years whilst kids are at pre primary school age as the job of parenting is a combined responsibility to be shared equally

Therefore how would i determine whether the mother or father steps out of the work force whilst having kids at pre primary school age, simply really the person who has the greatest to loose with respect to their long term career development by stepping out of the work force is the one who stays in the work force the one who's long term career is effected the least by stepping out of the work force for that period of time is the one who stays home and looks after the child.

If both parents need to work full time given they cannot live their lifestyle and raise a child one a single income then the solution is either resize the lifestyle as a sacrifice for deciding to have a child or else do not have a child if you cannot afford to raise it !!!!

Hmmm the above is a little outside the scope of SAMARIS but there you go

See no i am not a male shovanistic type i am an equalitist.


Claude Raiola
B.Econ (Acc), B.Hot.Mngt.

Mobile: 0414 228 948

On Sun Nov 30 17:53 , Karen Johnstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent:

I didn't read through this, but seems similar to your problem & it may
give further ideas to look into http://ask.metafilter.com/27347/CSS-a-amp-img-attributes

Karen Johnstone
DOTS Talent Solutions Pty Ltd

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