It could very well be true for unicode text which would align with your
discovery but I would say that if there was numeric data it would be stored
more efficiently as binary than as text which would occur when you parsed
the xml.  4 bytes for a large float where as  the text equivilent could be 8
or more (in fact 16 since it would probbly use 2 bytes per character).

Might be worth running a few more tests.

2009/1/22 Ross Phillips <>

> I did a quick test using the CF8 monitor tool to figure out if XML is
> larger when stored as a String or a XML object.  As suspected the XML
> object is larger but only by about 80 bytes.  I was only using a
> simple XML structure and I would expect this to change when the XML
> gets more complex.
> myXML = "<node>data</node>";
> Application.before_myXML = myXML;                       // 72 bytes
> Application.after_myXML = XMLParse(myXML);      // 152 bytes
> Cheers,
> Ross
> On 22/01/2009, at 10:13 AM, Matthew wrote:
> >
> > @charlie: sorry, I think I lead you a little astray with my response.
> > You are right I did want to know both if the output of parsed XML and
> > the amount of memory it takes up is large than un-parsed. Your comment
> > about all the extra CSS / HTML etc makes sense.
> >
> > @everyone: I ommited one point from my original post. The reason I'm
> > interested in how much bigger parsed XML is is because the error
> > emails I was getting were huge (some were 13Mb!!!). I assume that if
> > the are big when being outputted in email than perhaps they are large
> > when held in memory. The answer may be that the are only large when
> > outputted due to all the HTML/CSS etc where as in memory they are
> > still quite small because it's just struct/arrays etc.
> >
> > @barry: don't worry I'm not stuppid enough to do what your predecesor
> > did. My data is customer specific!
> >
> > I'm on CF7 by the way so I can't use the new CF8 feature to work out
> > the size of a vaiable.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Matthew
> > >
> >

Simon Haddon

Woman loves feeling danger and speed. That is why woman wants man.  They get
a speed rush that is the most dangerous of all.

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