You can put the directory name as part of the remotefile attribute of
the <cfftp> tag.
eg. remotefile="/pages/#building_name#_#unit#_gallery.txt"

The directory attribute is for other <cfftp> actions

On Jan 28, 12:49 pm, "SAMARIS Software" <> wrote:
> I am using the following code to ftp files from my cf app to another server
> <cfftp connection = "imediatestconn"
> username = "#un#"
> password = "#pw#"
> passive = "yes"
> timeout="180"
> server = "#server# "
> directory="Pages"
> action = "putfile"
> localfile="D:\FTP\Austaccomm\Htdocs\samaris\pnr\pages\bca_#building_name#_#u
> nit#_gallery.txt"
> remotefile="#building_name#_#unit#_gallery.txt">
> The files are uploading to the server however they are being placed in the
> root directory when I want to have them placed into a specific sub directory
> called /pages
> can someone enlighten me as to what I need to do to be able to upload to the
> sub directory rather than the room directory
> Regards
> Claude Raiola
> B.Econ (Acc), B.Hot.Mngt.
> Mobile: 0414 228 948
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