Hello peoples
I am putting out the feelers for anyone who can either help out the vic cfug
group with a meeting venue or knows of someone who may be able to assist in
a meeting venue.
We did a survey and looks like people want a CBD location so if that is the
case we have a couple requirements:-
- Off street parking or un-metered parking as we don't want members getting
parking ticket or having a hard time finding a car park
- Easy after hours access to the venue.  We had had a few issues with doors
being locked after 6pm and people have to be either buzzed in or someone
having to go down and let people in.
- Be able to seat at least 15-20 people
- Have access to a projector 
- Internet access
Anyone who can help out we would love to hear from you.  Please contact
either Mark Mandel (mark.mandel [at] gmail.com) or Steve Onnis (steve [at]
Steve and Mark

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