Hi Andrew,

this is already worked out but here is an alternative CF answer which 
makes me ask "was '2 mins 50 secs' an actual time?" because:

<cfset addTime = 0.00208101851852 />
<cfset thisTime = CreateTime(0,0,0)+addTime />

thisTime:       #thisTime#<br>
formatted: #TimeFormat(thisTime, "HH:mm:ss")#

gives me 2:59.

The nice thing about CF is that it is like Excel in that everything 
internally time-wise is a decimal day and you can do straight sums on 
times if you feel so inclined.

Andrew wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got an excel spreadsheet which I am parsing with cfHSSF (http://
> cfhssf.riaforge.org/)
> In it are a few time fields (elapsed times, like 2 mins, 50 seconds)
> which are returned as something like this: 0.00208101851852
> Is there an easy way to convert that to minutes and seconds in CF?



Kym Kovan

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