We need to call an existing software service here from our CF8 and
Flex app, and we need to access it (to submit a file for storage) via
"SOAP with Attachments".
We can't see how to do this from within CF and haven't had much luck
with Google.
If you try to mix the request content types in the SOAP call, you get
a CF error.

Here's the code:
<cfxml variable="theXML">
 <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
      <StoreImageRequest xmlns:urn="urn:company-com-
            <!--- <urn:imageData>cid:827370646852</urn:imageData> --->

<cfhttp url="http://servername:16400/easyimage/services/
EasyImageService" username="username" password="password"
method="post" resolveurl="no" redirect="yes" charset="utf-8"> --->
                <cfhttpparam type="xml" value="#theXML#" />
    <cfhttpparam type="file" file="Bluehills.jpg"
name="Bluehills.jpg" />

Here's the error:
You may not mix the use of cfhttpparam tags of type FILE or FORMFIELD
with cfhttpparam tags of type BODY or XML.

The error occurred in E:\euc_smallapps\_test\cfml\Fred_SOAP1.cfm: line
43 : <!--- <cfhttpparam type="" type="header" name="SOAPAction" value
= "getProductInfoXML"> --->
44 :    <cfhttpparam type="xml" value="#theXML#" />
45 :     <cfhttpparam type="file" file="Bluehills.jpg"
name="Bluehills.jpg" />
46 : </cfhttp>
47 :

Has anyone ever been able to get this to work?
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Darren Tracey
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