Hi Everyone,

As a result of the Melbourne CFUG meeting last week, the company I
work for has decided to some development work with Robins Galaxy code.

The use-case we have for wanting to use it two fold.
Wrap an existing application into a service and consume that in a
brand new aplication.
and lastly to increase the modularity of our current application.

The last point we already do for the most part.
We write patient Management Software that is used in New Zealand and
For the most part the applications are the same but there are some
significant differences between the two locations.

Thankfully, we already have a  separate Administration application for
each install.
We have a separate referral application for each install, etc.
But this separation was more by fluke than good design and is internal
to each install of the overall application package.
So, for example, we have 15 copies of the referral application - one
for each install.

By being service oriented, we hope to replace the 15 versions of the
referral application with two (one for AU and one for NZ).

Similarly we hope to replace the authentication processes used by our
application into a single authentication service that can be wired
into any of our applications and we thought that this service would be
a good candidate for us to use as our learning tool.

The reason for writing here is;
a) Lift the profile of the Galaxy OS project
b) Solicit input into what people see as being required in the
authentication service.

Currently we're thinking of;
 - allow user authentication via DB username / password matching
 - as above but with LDAP
 - as above but with OpenId

So our user authentication public method would have an argument for
authentication type and then subsequent arguments that would be
required for each of the suppoted authenticated types and it would
simply return a boolean for whether or not the authentication was

There is also a requirement around expired passwords / grace logins  /
intruder detection etc for directory servies enabled authentication

And if we get around to supporting Openid - then a simple boolean is
not an appropriate return.

We already have the code for this (LDAP / grace login testing /
processing) - but is it appropriate to place this code in the service
or is that best left in the "home" application.

And, of course - certainly please feel free to comletely disagree - we
don;t pretend to have all the answers.


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