On 27/05/2010 13:22, BarryC wrote:

After some more testing, thread dumps and operating system process
monitoring, we have found that there seems to be a performance issue
with files when accessed via NFS.
The slow part is when file attributes are being requested for a file
on the NFS (this was also shown in the thread dumps with the
getBooleanAttributes() function coming up a lot).

We have a client with a setup of a NAS (running FreeNas which is FreeBSD) with lots of files behind a few servers and so I took a peek into their CF logs and can see nothing like you are talking about below.

The files are mainly just being served up or saved by these servers so it is not quite the same as code files. It makes me wonder if the permissions aspect is the important one. You say NFS, do you mean that literally, not NTFS via samba (SMB) or something?

I might ask them if they mind us running some tests at the weekend when its quiet for them and see what we get.

Kym K

We have done a couple of tests with rather interesting results (we set
up a specific test that loops over some directories and looks at the
files in those directories, it does a fileExists(..) on each file in
those directories);

1. test local file access time.
2. test file access time via share mounted via NFS path e.g. \\server
3. test file access time via an iSCSI mounted drive (still over the
network, but the operating system sees it as a lettered drive e.g. d:

The local file access time was very fast, for the 20 folders it did it
in between 16ms and 50ms
The FMS access time was very slow, about 3 seconds for the same 20
folders (I'd expect some delay over the network, but this seems rather
a lot).
The iSCSI mount was surprisingly fast at about 130ms (indicating that
network latency time isn't really the issue?)

We're a bit stumped, and the systems guys have had a look at options
at the NFS end and there doesn't really seem to be much configuration
they can do there.

Kai, you mentioned that you run some of your servers with an NFS
share, but have no problems, how is your share implemented, do you run
it on Linux with the windows servers connecting to that?




Kym Kovan

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