This presentation will cover some of the new functionality introduced
in the new version of the Adobe ColdFusion Server 9

- ColdFusion 9 Goodies include:
- CFSCRIPT enhancements
- ColdFusion Component enhancements
- UI Components
- New Tags
- Lucene Solr (Verity Replacement)

Also we will be handing out bags of goodies with t-shirts, stubby
holders, stickers, note pads and other stuff and of course pizzas.

I think all of the Melbourne regulars will know Steve as our UG
manager and provider of fine pizzas.  Anyone who frequents CFAussie
will also be aware of his regular contributions to the list.  As a
developer and CF hosting provider, Steve has spent years exploring
ColdFusion Server and CFML, so don't miss this opportunity for a deep
dive into all that is new and good in CF9.

Date: Thursday 19 August 2010
Time: 6:30 PM
    Level 2
    255 Bourke Street
    Melbourne, VIC, 3000
    A note on the door will provide a number to ring for access.

RSVP:  Please reply to this post if you are planning to attend so we
know how many pizzas to order.

As always, many thanks to Dale Fraser and CogState for their
hospitality.  We look forward to seeing you all there.

Peter Robertson
Melbourne CFUG

Steve Onnis
Melbourne CFUG

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