Well how does a hopsital manage this?

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 8:30 AM, Gavin Beau Baumanis <b...@palcare.com.au>wrote:

> * Patient Admissions

A Hospital has a series of patients that it has admitted. So I expect you
would have:


> * Patient Discharges



I wouldn't be shocked if a Hospital had a series of Wards, which then had
the patients, but you probably know this domain better than I do.

[image: [Hospital]++1->*[Ward], [Ward]+1->*[Patient]]

>  * the Patient's Care teams

A Hospital would have a series of Care Teams, I assume then that the
CareTeam would have a series of patients they belong to.


(Maybe Care Teams also belong to a Ward?)

> * the Patient's Physical locations

Well, I would expect the Patient probably knows what Hospital it is in in,
and the Hospital knows it's own Physical address.

[image: [Patient]+*->0..1[Hospital], [Hospital]++1->1[Location]]

Or maybe not, maybe there is a global registry of Patients, i.e. a global
medical record, which ties it all together. (Maybe patients really don't
often know what Hospital they are in, and you need to ask the Medial
History, or maybe both should really know)

[image: [HistoryRegistery]++1->*[Record], [Record]+1->1[Patient],
[Record]+1->1[Patient], [Record]+1-current>0..1[Hospital]

Again, just modelling the real world objects. You just need to go a few
levels below just a 'Hospital' and get a little deeper.

There are a variety of ways you could model this, just depends on your
domain really.



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