On 14/01/2011 13:42, Chris Velevitch wrote:

I thought they killed the power to the CBD?

They did, to the lower areas at least.

Nothing like a couple of 2MW V16 Cat diesels to keep you awake. I'm sure SunCorp and the like have stuff like that in-house, certainly the DCs do.

When I worked at Ch9 we had three of the above and used to run two of them up into real load, ie we ran the TV station of them, every Tuesday morning (during "Here's Humphrey" when minimal people watching in case it all fell over (sorry kids). It never did.) When I moved to this Internet webby stuff and we got big enuf as a hosting firm to need an external DataCentre as well as our in-house one I checked out a few DCs and one question I always asked was to see their diesels and ask how often they tested them. Some places had never run them into live load! The most common response was "once a month into a dummy load". What use is that? One had no day tank and their fuel was jelly, knew nothing about continuous circulation, etc., etc.

That is why we are at Global Switch, the only DC in Sydney that I know of that has not yet hiccuped in a power disturbance.


Kym Kovan

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