Running Win 2008 64bit ColdFusion 9

Still battling with my CF server issues, but at least got one step further
now >> *CF9 Service does not start but cfstart.bat does start the server*.

Why would the service not start but the batch file would start the server?
(don't answer the first part of the question, have gone through logs etc.)

The service points to

The batch file points to
cd ..\runtime\bin
jrun -start coldfusion

What would be the difference between them?

To recap, my CF9 service always has taken ages to start, but today it did
not want to start at all anymore, but the cfstart file does get it going
right away.
Problem, if I log off from the machine the command prompt ends and the
server shuts down again.

Kind regards,
Taco Fleur
clickfind™ - The new Australian Online Marketing Platform (OMP)

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