Have you run the query in your database to be certain it actually should
return some rows?       And that there's no syntax errors or anything like
that in the query itself?      It's possible that your CFQuery is correctly
returning no rows.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 1:16 AM, Hanswurst Globobrüll <
rm.onlineumfra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I had exactly the same problem in CF8, CF9 und also CF11.
> Out team was analyzing and examining for days (!) - because the problem
> was not repleatable on purpose. It just occured sometimes and we found
> evidence in log files.
> and finally we found out that the problem is the database. we use mysql,
> and when mysql (under huge load) creates deadlocks and a single request
> just times out, the <cfquery variable has no content, ergo recordcount does
> not exist because the query result could not be created.
> observe your database as a first step!
> best regards
> raffael
> Onlineumfragen.com
> Am Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010 01:35:44 UTC+2 schrieb Scott.thornton:
>> Hi,
>> Running across a odd problem in CF 9,0,0,251028. development server.
>> I was just running a process that usually works and has not been modified
>> for quite a long time. part of that process runs a query and then loops
>> over the result set. Simple enough… however the query does not seem to
>> exist after it has run.
>> eg: The following code returns Element RECORDCOUNT is undefined in
>> <cfquery  datasource="#DSN#" name="fix_this">
>>                 select sb_invoice.sb_invoice_id,
>> sb_invoice.sb_reminder_date, max(sb_claim_date) as sb_claim_date
>>                 from sb_invoice
>>                 inner join sb_invoice_item
>>                 on sb_invoice.sb_invoice_id =
>> sb_invoice_item.sb_invoice_id
>>                 inner join sb_item_claim
>>                 on sb_invoice_item.sb_invoice_item_id =
>> sb_item_claim.sb_invoice_item_id
>>                 where sb_invoice.sb_bill_mech_code in
>> ('M','F','AG','SC','MB','MO')
>>                 and sb_invoice_item.sb_item_status_code in
>> ('21','24','31')
>>                 group by sb_invoice.sb_invoice_id,
>> sb_invoice.sb_reminder_date
>>                 having sb_invoice.sb_reminder_date <
>> DateAdd(d,30,max(sb_claim_date))
>> </cfquery>
>> <cfif fix_this.recordcount gt 0>
>>                 <cfoutput query="fix_this">
>>                                 <cfquery name="upd_fund_reminder"
>> datasource="#DSN#">
>>                                                 update sb_invoice
>>                                                 set sb_reminder_date =
>> <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#DateFormat(DateAdd("d"
>> ,31,fix_this.sb_claim_date),"dd-mmm-yyyy")#">
>>                                                 where sb_invoice_id =
>> <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_numeric" value="#fix_this.sb_invoice_id
>> #">
>>                                 </cfquery>
>>                 </cfoutput>
>> </cfif>
>> I have changed the name of the query to a few different values, I have
>> used cfloop instead of cfoutput, I added the cfif.recordcount to see if
>> that helped, to no avail. Without the CFIF the error was :
>> *Attribute validation error for tag cfoutput. *
>> The value of the attribute query, which is currently fix_this, is
>> invalid.
>> Debug output shows that the query executed in 922ms and returned no rows.
>> What am I missing?
> --
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Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

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