>you really don't want to create a deep tree
Just wondering how deep the tree would have to be before you would class it
as too deep?

>create a maintenance nightmare
I dont follow, how does it create a maintenance nightmare?
e.g. if I fix a bug/improve something in my generic persistence.cfc, then
all of my business objects can use it simply by copying the new cfc file
into place.
I can see how it would be a nightmare if you changed the interface to the
generic cfc.
Not sure how thats any more of a nightmare than modifiying all cfcs
individually though.

>unless you can explain why you think you need the generic base classes
erm, to make maintenance and creating new objects easy! (I can create a new
object that will do CRUD/validation/form display with one line of code in a
component - init(getmetadata(this));)

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Sean Corfield
Sent: 14 April 2005 00:46
To: CFCDev@cfczone.org
Subject: Re: [CFCDev] Object helpers, overuse of inheritance?

On 4/13/05, Angus Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Initially I thought this was a good thing but now I am beginning to wander
> if we should slice off the abstract methods into a 'helper'. (not sure if
> that's the right terminology).

Yeah, you really don't want to create a deep tree of related objects
like that so going with the 'helper' as you call it will be a better

> Anyway if I did that I could create a singleton which would sit in
> application scope for all objects of the specific type to use. For example
> object.cfc would contain a reference to objectHelper.cfc and
> businessObject.cfc would also have its own helper. So at the end of the
> my object.cfc and businessObject.cfc would probably only contain
> I would think this would have a favourable impact on memory resources?

I wouldn't worry about the memory impact so much as the maintenance
impact. I would not recommend generic 'object' and 'businessObject'
types, to be honest - those imply you'll be inheriting from them which
will create a maintenance nightmare for you as well as likely being a
poor performer (instantiating deep inheritance trees takes longer than
instantiating a simple object).

> Is this a good, bad or 'it depends' idea??

As with every OO question, it depends, but from what little
information you've given us so far I'd lean heavily toward "it's bad"
unless you can explain why you think you need the generic base classes
in the first place...
Sean A Corfield -- http://corfield.org/
Team Fusebox -- http://fusebox.org/
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