well, the way I do it (which I think is also generally frowned upon) is that
I have a generic DAO cfc which expects an object that has a method which
returns the fields of that object, and a structure of parameters.

It loops over the fields returned and any that it also finds in the
structure of parameters get added to the sql.
The field data returned is an array of structs containing the definition for
each field such as name,label,primaryKey (true/false)

Its certainly saved me a lot of time creating and maintaining large apps.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Dave Merrill
Sent: 22 April 2005 14:33
To: CFCDev@cfczone.org
Subject: [CFCDev] To genericize parameter passing or not

OO-newb here...

Pre CFC/OO, I often used a custom tag to save data into a sql db, like this:


It handled insert vs update depending on whether the pk value was blank,
single quoting values when needed, error trapping, capturing new pk on
insert, display-resulting-sql-only debug mode, etc, in a simple to use

Sometimes, I'd pass form field values in like this:
...which would save any new fields just by adding them to the form,
providing their names were the same as the corresponding sql column. Besides
some future-proofing against modifications to the form, it also let the same
code save several different veriations of the form, with different fields on

My (oo/java-newb) impression is that something like that would be frowned
upon in the java world, say, because it wasn't explicit about exactly what
fields were expected to exist.

Am I right about that? What's peoples' standard practice in CF? In java or
other languages?

Similarly, say you were implementing an object-based system, where form
values updated vars in an object instance, then the object was persisted to
sql. Would you call 12 explicit var-specific setters to set 12 different
object vars from form fields, then 12 var-specific getters to get them back
out for your persister? Or would you use more generic bulk techniques,
similar to attributecollection? You're trading off enormous code economy and
robustness against change in the exact fields used, vs the "tightness" of
explicitly declaring which fields are expected.

Thoughts? TIA,

Dave Merrill

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