>Any comments appreciated.

Why does the factory manager go back out of itself to application scope,
when it itself is already a singleton in application scope?

You could change to:

<!--- Instantiate ComponentManager --->

<cfif not StructKeyExists(Application, 'ComponentFactoryManager') >
        <cflock name="LoadComponentFactoryManager" timeout="10" 
                <cfif not structKeyExists( Application, 
'ComponentFactoryManager' )>
                        <cfset Application.ComponentFactoryManager = 
'Components.ComponentFactoryManager') />
                        <cfset Application.ComponentFactoryManager.init()>

In ComponentFactoryManager <<singleton>>

<cfcomponent displayname="ComponentFactoryManager">

        <cffunction name="init">
                <cfset variables.instance = structnew()>
                <cfset variables.instance.ComponentFactory = 
'Components.ComponentFactory') />

        <cffunction name="Instance" access="public" returntype="any" 
                <cfreturn variables.instance.ComponentFactory />


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Peter H
Sent: 12 May 2005 16:39
To: CFCDev@cfczone.org
Subject: RE: [CFCDev] Singleton / Factory request

Thanks Nando,

I've ended up seperating the Singleton from the factory. Not sure if its the
best way though. Any comments appreciated.

Cheers, Pete (aka lad4bear)

In Application.cfc

<!--- Instantiate ComponentManager --->
<cfif not StructKeyExists(Application, 'ComponentFactoryManager') >
        <cflock name="LoadComponentFactoryManager" timeout="10" 
                <cfif not structKeyExists( Application, 
'ComponentFactoryManager' )>
                        <cfset Application.ComponentFactoryManager = 
'Components.ComponentFactoryManager') />

In ComponentFactoryManager <<singleton>>

<cfcomponent displayname="ComponentFactoryManager">

        <cffunction name="Instance" access="public" returntype="any" 
                <cfif not StructKeyExists(Application, 'ComponentFactory') >
                        <cflock name="LoadComponentFactory" timeout="10" 
                                <cfif not structKeyExists( Application, 
'ComponentFactory' )>
                                        <cfset Application.ComponentFactory = 
'Components.ComponentFactory') />

                <cfreturn Application.ComponentFactory />


In ComponentFactory <<factory >>

<cfcomponent displayname="ComponentFactory" hint="">

        <cffunction name="Create" access="public" returntype="any" 
output="false" >
                <cfargument name="ComponentType" type="string" required="true">
                <cfset var component = 0 />

                <cfswitch expression="#arguments.ComponentType#">
                        <cfcase value="PingRequest">
                                <cfset component = CreateObject('Component',
'Components.PingRequest').Init() />

                        <cfcase value="OptionRequest">
                                <cfset component = CreateObject('Component',
'Components.OptionRequest').Init() />

                <cfreturn component />


<br><br><br>----Original Message Follows----<br>From: &quot;Nando&quot;
&lt;[EMAIL PROTECTED]&gt;<br>Reply-To: CFCDev@cfczone.org<br>To:
&lt;CFCDev@cfczone.org&gt;<br>Subject: RE: [CFCDev] Singleton / Factory
request<br>Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 15:51:42 +0200<br><br>&lt;cfif NOT
StructKeyExists(application,&quot;mySingleton&quot;)&gt;<br>  &lt;cflock
name=&quot;mySingletonLock&quot; Timeout=&quot;10&quot;
&lt;cfif NOT StructKeyExists(application,&quot;mySingleton&quot;)&gt;<br>
&lt;cfset application.mySingleton
&lt;/cfif&gt;<br>  &lt;/cflock&gt;<br>&lt;/cfif&gt;<br><br>Does that help?
The lock is necessary to be absolutely sure, because there's<br>a very small
time lag between the moment a request passes thru the first<br>cfif and the
moment application.mySingleton is created.<br><br>n. :)<br>   -----Original
Message-----<br>   From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf<br>Of Peter H<br>   Sent:
Thursday, May 12, 2005 3:16 PM<br>   To: CFCDev@cfczone.org<br>   Subject:
[CFCDev] Singleton / Factory request<br><br><br>   Hi guys,<br><br>   I'm
trying to build a Singleton / Factory but seemed to have got myself
a<br>little tangled up. Here's what I'm trying to do.<br><br>   1) Have a
factory component that is responsible for creating all of my<br>other
components by name.<br><br>   2) Make this factory a singleton so that it's
only created once and stored<br>in application scope.<br><br>   I've heard
people talk about this on the board and was hoping someone<br>would post be
able to post some code for me to look at.<br><br>   Cheers, Pete (aka
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