I have a neta data driven application generator which I am currently porting
from CF5 to CFMX7, so I'm considering similar issues. I think you need to
consider two things: performance and DRY (don't repeat yourself).

Is the meta data going to be anywhere else? You only want to store and given
piece of meta data in one place otherwise you have to remember to update the

In terms of performance, what will be the performance hit generating the
form fields using the form meta data at runtime? If you need better
performance you may need to pre-generate things like the form fields to save
all of the field concatenation of HTML (side hint - for concatenation, use
arrays and then array to string - supposed to perform much faster).
Alternatively, use lazy instantiation and application scopes so if you have
to do the extra work only do it once per application rather than per session
or per page request.

You could use an XML file, but with the file operation and the
deserialization of the XML, I'd make sure you application scope it (so if
there is a huge amount of data this may not work out well, but for most
applications it wouldn't be a problem).

Best Wishes,

-----Original Message-----
Of Michael T. Tangorre
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 8:13 AM
To: CFCDev@cfczone.org
Subject: [CFCDev] Bean / Meta Data

In my Bean CFCs I have the standard methods: getSomeProperty(),
setSomeProperty(), getInstance(), setInstance(), and validate(). What I am
toying with is "how much" data/meta data should/could I store about the
properties within the bean and how much (if any) might be better suited for
"properties file" such as an XML file. What would be nice is to have some
meta data about the properties themselves for different purposes:

form element attributes: maxlength,id,name,label
cfqueryparam attributes: maxlength,null (evaluate expression), cfsqltype
javascript validation server side validation (within the Bean's validate

My question is... how much of this "meta data" would/could/should be stored
in the Bean itself and how much would be better suited for a properties file
of some sorts... and is all this even worth it? Say for instance, a required
field changes or a field's maxlength increases from 500 characters to 1000,
it would be nice to denote that in one area and have that piece of meta data
accessible anywhere the property is used. 

Is all this overkill? I haven't implemented anything yet but I can
definitely see some benefit of doing so. 

Your thoughts?


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