I apologize for posting this here, but the reactor list doesn’t appear to have any activity.  Since many of you work with Reactor, I am hoping that someone can slap some sense into me.  Here is my issue…


I am trying to load a user record that contains and identity record.  No matter what I try, the user.getIdentityRecord() function will only try to select based on the identity PK (ID).  Here is my XML config:




                        <project value="test"/>

                        <dsn value="test" />

                        <type value="mssql" />

                        <mapping value="/reactorData" />

                        <mode value="development" />




                        <object name=" User">


                                    <hasOne name="identity">

                                                <relate from="ID" to="UserID" />




                        <object name="Identity">

                                    <hasOne name="User">

                                                <relate from="userID" to="ID" />







Here is the code that I use:


            user = reactor.createRecord("User");




            ident = user.getIdentityRecord();




The dump of the ident.getFirstName() function is always empty.  Since I have SQL statement output enabled, I am able to find the statement that handles this, and the WHERE looks like this:


[indentity].[id] =


Why isn’t this statement using the userID field specified in the XML file?  Since this is a primary feature, I assume that I am simply missing something about this feature.  Could anyone shed any light?





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