Not sure that's really practical, as a structure is unordered.

for example, if i have a structure for employee data (containing keys
firstname, lastname, address, and phone)...i don't believe i have any
control over how the struct

quick test:

        foo = structNew();
        foo.firstName   = "charlie";
        foo.lastName    = "griefer";
        foo.address     = "123 Main Street";               = "555-1212";

        <cfloop collection="#foo#" item="key">
                #key#: #foo[key]#<br />

<br /><br />

        for (key in foo) {
                writeOutput(key & ": " & foo[key] & "<br />");

now, i used tags and cfscript to see if there was any difference in
the order of output between the two (there was not)...but both output
in the following order:


even though the structure was created in the order of:

phone if this is a consistent (and unpredictable)
'paging thru' a structure 'n' keys at a time really what you're
looking to do?

On 2/20/06, Stephen Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to get a section of a structure, for example can I get the
> first ten key/value pairs of a structure then the next ten. I trying to page
> through a structure ten rows at a time.
> I was thinking of using StructCount to get a number for the amount of values
> in the structure then using that some how to step through the structure. Has
> anyone every done something like this?
> Stephen
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Charlie Griefer

"...All the world shall be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies,
and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch
you, digger, listener, runner, prince with a swift warning.
Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."

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