ok well after I sent it I felt bad I didn't do at least minimal
testing so I tested it, found 3 bugs! and fixed them .. here is the
revised version sorry:

<cffunction name="ArrayMid" returntype="array" output="false"
hint="returns a subsection of an array">
        <cfargument name="inArray" type="array" required="true" />
        <cfargument name="startPos" type="numeric" required="true" />
        <cfargument name="count" type="numeric" required="false"
default="#ArrayLen(arguments.inArray) - arguments.startPos#" />

        <cfset var outArray = ArrayNew(1) />
        <cfset var i = 0 />
        <cfset var maxPosition = arrayLen(arguments.inArray) />

        <cfif MaxPosition>

                <!--- make sure the startPosition is a positive integer --->
                <cfif arguments.startPos LTE 0>
                        <cfset arguments.startPos = 1 />

                <!--- make sure we aren't starting at too high of a position 
                <cfif arguments.startPos GT maxPosition>
                        <cfset arguments.startPos = maxPosition />

                <!--- make sure we won't go beyond the bounds of the array --->
                <cfif arguments.count + arguments.startPos GT maxPosition>
                        <cfset arguments.count = ArrayLen(arguments.inArray) - 
arguments.startPos />

                <!--- deal with case where only the last element is desired --->
                <cfif arguments.startPos EQ MaxPosition>
ArrayAppend(outArray,arguments.inArray[maxPosition]) />
                <!--- get the "subArray" --->
                <cfloop from="#arguments.startPos#" to="#arguments.startPos +
arguments.count-1#" index="i">
                        <cfset ArrayAppend(outArray,arguments.inArray[i]) />

        <cfreturn outArray />

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