Title: Message
Hi There,
I know it's a best practice to not use "evaluate" (for performance purposes) so was wondering if anyone had any ideas on removing it from this situation.
- I have a set of page objects in application scope with various properties and methods. 
- Each page object is named application.page.#pagename#
- I lazy load the pages, so on each page request, if not isdefined("application.page.#pagename#"), I initialize application.page.#pagename#
- I then set this page to the value of the appropriate page so I can access all of the page properties and methods easily.
I use the following code within a cfc:
  <cfset THIS.page = Evaluate("Application.page.#pagename#")>
Is there a better way to set THIS.page as a pointer to the right object(Application.page.#pagename#) without using evaluate? (Please note, I'm not trying to invoke/instantiate the object as it already exists - I'm only to set a pointer to it).
My code works, but I believe evaluate() is a slow operation and according to the CFMX coding guidelines there is almost always supposed to be a different way to get the same outcome.

Any thoughts appreciated!
Best Wishes,
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