On 4/21/07, Marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The example shows just variables.notificationService.send(.), but I'm having
trouble figuring out how the exact call and the actual implementation would
look.  What goes inside send()?  If the message content itself goes in
there, doesn't that get messy?  Should all the attributes of a CFMAIL tag be
accounted for, and if so, how?

There is of course no "one true answer" here but there are lots of
reasonable degrees...

A simple send() method might take from=, to=, subject=, body= and,
yes, pass in a string containing the message both. I'm using this
approach right now for a site I'm working on. Yes, constructing the
body in the calling code and passing it in is a little messy. See

It might take an optional arg containing a struct with any additional
<cfmail> arguments you might want to pass in.

The next step might be a simple templating engine where you pass in
from=, to=, template= and a struct containing values to be substituted
into the template. The service loads the template, substitutes all the
values (they might be identified by something like $${varname} in the
text of the template) and then sends it. This is how adobe.com's mail
engine works (both for the main site and for the Hosted Services stuff
I worked on, albeit different codebases with slightly different

Again, maybe you might pass additional <cfmail> arguments in via a struct.
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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-- Margaret Atwood

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