We could support that by allowing the MSVC version in the triple to be
different from the -fms-compatibility-version on the command line. Today,
this might even with with --target.

That said, I don't imagine many people are doing this. Microsoft makes it
hard for you to do this, and lots of code assumes that the _MSC_VER macro
correlates with the CRT version.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Saleem Abdulrasool <compn...@compnerd.org>

> compnerd added a comment.
> AIUI, ucrt is absolutely relevant since msvcrt itself has been split out
> into the ucrt.  msvcrt is the "shared" common bits, while the ucrt is more
> "platform" specific bits.
> But really, the point is: supporting an older version with a newer
> compiler is what doing this the way I suggest enables.  You can use a newer
> compiler but still allow the generated binary to target an alternative
> environment.
> Repository:
>   rL LLVM
> http://reviews.llvm.org/D7642
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