honggyu.kim added a comment.

You made a comment while I was writing other comment :)

In http://reviews.llvm.org/D12906#248392, @zaks.anna wrote:

> This new patch does not seem to build on top of 
> http://reviews.llvm.org/D10305 but is an alternative way of generating the 
> hash that reuses a lot of the building blocks from the other patch. What is 
> the reason for that?

Yes, this patch is not on top of http://reviews.llvm.org/D10305, I just copied 
some code from it, so this patch doesn't have dependency with it.

> (It also addresses your comment to this patch and creates the GetIssueHash 
> subroutine as well as addresses my comment and uses the computed hash in 
> issue_hash, which is used by CmpRuns. Thanks!)

I just tried not to change the existing working behaviour.
Most of code are written by Babati, I just recomposed them. Thanks!


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