mprobst updated this revision to Diff 37447.
mprobst added a comment.

Simplified escape handling.


Index: unittests/Format/FormatTestJS.cpp
--- unittests/Format/FormatTestJS.cpp
+++ unittests/Format/FormatTestJS.cpp
@@ -625,6 +625,9 @@
   verifyFormat("var regex = /[\\/]/;");
   verifyFormat("var regex = /\\[/;");
   verifyFormat("var regex = /\\\\[/]/;");
+  verifyFormat("var regex = /}[\"]/;");
+  verifyFormat("var regex = /}[/\"]/;");
+  verifyFormat("var regex = /}[\"/]/;");
   verifyFormat("var regex = /\\b/;");
   verifyFormat("var regex = /\\B/;");
Index: lib/Format/Format.cpp
--- lib/Format/Format.cpp
+++ lib/Format/Format.cpp
@@ -730,6 +730,8 @@
     assert(FirstInLineIndex == 0);
     do {
+      if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript)
+        tryParseJSRegexLiteral();
       if (Tokens.back()->NewlinesBefore > 0 || Tokens.back()->IsMultiline)
         FirstInLineIndex = Tokens.size() - 1;
@@ -749,10 +751,6 @@
     if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript) {
-      if (tryMergeJSRegexLiteral())
-        return;
-      if (tryMergeEscapeSequence())
-        return;
       if (tryMergeTemplateString())
@@ -824,107 +822,91 @@
     return true;
-  // Tries to merge an escape sequence, i.e. a "\\" and the following
-  // character. Use e.g. inside JavaScript regex literals.
-  bool tryMergeEscapeSequence() {
-    if (Tokens.size() < 2)
-      return false;
-    FormatToken *Previous = Tokens[Tokens.size() - 2];
-    if (Previous->isNot(tok::unknown) || Previous->TokenText != "\\")
-      return false;
-    ++Previous->ColumnWidth;
-    StringRef Text = Previous->TokenText;
-    Previous->TokenText = StringRef(, Text.size() + 1);
-    resetLexer(SourceMgr.getFileOffset(Tokens.back()->Tok.getLocation()) + 1);
-    Tokens.resize(Tokens.size() - 1);
-    Column = Previous->OriginalColumn + Previous->ColumnWidth;
-    return true;
+  // Returns \c true if \p Tok can only be followed by an operand in JavaScript.
+  bool PrecedesOperand(FormatToken *Tok) {
+    // NB: This is not entirely correct, as an r_paren can introduce an operand
+    // location in e.g. `if (foo) /bar/.exec(...);`. That is a rare enough
+    // corner case to not matter in practice, though.
+    return (Tok->isOneOf(tok::period, tok::l_paren, tok::comma, tok::l_brace,
+                         tok::r_brace, tok::l_square, tok::semi, tok::exclaim,
+                         tok::colon, tok::question, tok::tilde) ||
+            Tok->isOneOf(tok::kw_return, tok::kw_do, tok::kw_case,
+                         tok::kw_throw, tok::kw_else, tok::kw_new,
+                         tok::kw_delete, tok::kw_void, tok::kw_typeof,
+                         Keywords.kw_instanceof, Keywords.kw_in) ||
+            Tok->isBinaryOperator());
-  // Try to determine whether the current token ends a JavaScript regex literal.
-  // We heuristically assume that this is a regex literal if we find two
-  // unescaped slashes on a line and the token before the first slash is one of
-  // "(;,{}![:?", a binary operator or 'return', as those cannot be followed by
-  // a division.
-  bool tryMergeJSRegexLiteral() {
-    if (Tokens.size() < 2)
-      return false;
+  // Tries to parse a JavaScript Regex literal starting at the current token,
+  // if that begins with a slash and is in a location where JavaScript allows
+  // regex literals. Changes the current token to a regex literal and updates
+  // its text if successful.
+  void tryParseJSRegexLiteral() {
+    FormatToken *RegexToken = Tokens.back();
+    if (!RegexToken->isOneOf(tok::slash, tok::slashequal))
+      return;
-    // If this is a string literal with a slash inside, compute the slash's
-    // offset and try to find the beginning of the regex literal.
-    // Also look at tok::unknown, as it can be an unterminated char literal.
-    size_t SlashInStringPos = StringRef::npos;
-    if (Tokens.back()->isOneOf(tok::string_literal, tok::char_constant,
-                               tok::unknown)) {
-      // Start search from position 1 as otherwise, this is an unknown token
-      // for an unterminated /*-comment which is handled elsewhere.
-      SlashInStringPos = Tokens.back()->TokenText.find('/', 1);
-      if (SlashInStringPos == StringRef::npos)
-        return false;
+    FormatToken *Prev = nullptr;
+    for (auto I = Tokens.rbegin() + 1, E = Tokens.rend(); I != E; ++I) {
+      // NB: Because previous pointers are not initialized yet, this cannot use
+      // Token.getPreviousNonComment.
+      if ((*I)->isNot(tok::comment)) {
+        Prev = *I;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (Prev) {
+      if (Prev->isOneOf(tok::plus, tok::plusplus, tok::minus,
+                        tok::minusminus)) {
+        // Regex literal can only follow after prefix unary operators, not after
+        // postfix unary operators.
+        bool PrefixUnary =
+            Tokens.size() < 3 || !PrecedesOperand(Tokens[Tokens.size() - 3]);
+        if (!PrefixUnary)
+          return;
+      } else if (!PrecedesOperand(Prev)) {
+        // The previous token must introduce an operand location where regex
+        // literals can occur.
+        return;
+      }
-    // If a regex literal ends in "\//", this gets represented by an unknown
-    // token "\" and a comment.
-    bool MightEndWithEscapedSlash =
-        Tokens.back()->is(tok::comment) &&
-        Tokens.back()->TokenText.startswith("//") &&
-        Tokens[Tokens.size() - 2]->TokenText == "\\";
-    if (!MightEndWithEscapedSlash && SlashInStringPos == StringRef::npos &&
-        (Tokens.back()->isNot(tok::slash) ||
-         (Tokens[Tokens.size() - 2]->is(tok::unknown) &&
-          Tokens[Tokens.size() - 2]->TokenText == "\\")))
-      return false;
-    unsigned TokenCount = 0;
+    // 'Manually' lex ahead in the current file buffer.
+    const char *Offset = Lex->getBufferLocation();
+    const char *RegexBegin = Offset - RegexToken->TokenText.size();
+    StringRef Buffer = Lex->getBuffer();
     bool InCharacterClass = false;
-    for (auto I = Tokens.rbegin() + 1, E = Tokens.rend(); I != E; ++I) {
-      ++TokenCount;
-      auto Prev = I + 1;
-      while (Prev != E && Prev[0]->is(tok::comment))
-        ++Prev;
-      // Slashes in character classes (delimited by [ and ]) do not need
-      // escaping. Escaping of the squares themselves is already handled by
-      // \c tryMergeEscapeSequence(), a plain tok::r_square must be non-escaped.
-      if (I[0]->is(tok::r_square))
+    bool HaveClosingSlash = false;
+    for (; !HaveClosingSlash && Offset != Buffer.end(); ++Offset) {
+      // Regular expressions are terminated with a '/', which can only be
+      // escaped using '\' or a character class between '[' and ']'.
+      // See
+      switch (*Offset) {
+      case '\\':
+        // Skip the escaped character.
+        ++Offset;
+        break;
+      case '[':
         InCharacterClass = true;
-      if (I[0]->is(tok::l_square)) {
-        if (!InCharacterClass)
-          return false;
+        break;
+      case ']':
         InCharacterClass = false;
-      }
-      if (!InCharacterClass && I[0]->isOneOf(tok::slash, tok::slashequal) &&
-          (Prev == E ||
-           ((Prev[0]->isOneOf(tok::l_paren, tok::semi, tok::l_brace,
-                              tok::r_brace, tok::exclaim, tok::l_square,
-                              tok::colon, tok::comma, tok::question,
-                              tok::kw_return) ||
-             Prev[0]->isBinaryOperator())))) {
-        unsigned LastColumn = Tokens.back()->OriginalColumn;
-        SourceLocation Loc = Tokens.back()->Tok.getLocation();
-        if (MightEndWithEscapedSlash) {
-          // This regex literal ends in '\//'. Skip past the '//' of the last
-          // token and re-start lexing from there.
-          resetLexer(SourceMgr.getFileOffset(Loc) + 2);
-        } else if (SlashInStringPos != StringRef::npos) {
-          // This regex literal ends in a string_literal with a slash inside.
-          // Calculate end column and reset lexer appropriately.
-          resetLexer(SourceMgr.getFileOffset(Loc) + SlashInStringPos + 1);
-          LastColumn += SlashInStringPos;
+        break;
+      case '/':
+        if (!InCharacterClass) {
+          HaveClosingSlash = true;
-        Tokens.resize(Tokens.size() - TokenCount);
-        Tokens.back()->Tok.setKind(tok::unknown);
-        Tokens.back()->Type = TT_RegexLiteral;
-        // Treat regex literals like other string_literals.
-        Tokens.back()->Tok.setKind(tok::string_literal);
-        Tokens.back()->ColumnWidth += LastColumn - I[0]->OriginalColumn;
-        return true;
+        break;
-      // There can't be a newline inside a regex literal.
-      if (I[0]->NewlinesBefore > 0)
-        return false;
-    return false;
+    RegexToken->Type = TT_RegexLiteral;
+    // Treat regex literals like other string_literals.
+    RegexToken->Tok.setKind(tok::string_literal);
+    RegexToken->TokenText = StringRef(RegexBegin, Offset - RegexBegin);
+    RegexToken->ColumnWidth = RegexToken->TokenText.size();
+    resetLexer(SourceMgr.getFileOffset(Lex->getSourceLocation(Offset)));
   bool tryMergeTemplateString() {
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