pgousseau added a comment.

In, @xazax.hun wrote:

> Hi!

Hi! Thank you for reviewing.

> I have some high level questions and notes about this patch.


> I implemented the function modelling as a Google Summer of Code project and 
> Ted Kremenek was my mentor. I am happy that you found an useful application 
> of the function modeling system, and I think, in general, it is a good idea 
> to be able to store attributes for the modelled functions. However I am a bit 
> surprised, when I saw this patch. The main reason is that, models lack a lot 
> of functionality right now.


> Main missing features:


> - Ability to specify multiple model paths similar to how header include paths 
> are specified.

> - Support for methods, namespaces, overloaded functions.


>   Did you find the feature useful despite those limitations? I am interested 
> to improve the situation in the future, unfortunately I find very little time 
> to work on this area recently, but I do welcome every changes.

Yes I think this is useful despite the missing features. With the current model 
file design I am confident those features could be easily added at a later 

> I have two comments before I start to review the patch itself. Right now this 
> patch contains two modifications. One for the .model files and one for a 
> checker. I think it would be better to separate these two changes into two 
> separate patches. If the motivation behind the merge of those patches is 
> that, you want to test a feature you implemented in .model files, than I 
> think there are other checker that are using attributes, so I think you 
> should be able to provide a test case with the two changes separated. (For 
> example using the nonnull parameter checker.)

I see, yes using the nonnull param checker for testing seems a better fit, I 
will update the patch.

> The other comment is that, the .model files are intended to work in a way, 
> that checkers should not be able utilize the information whether some data is 
> coming from a model file or the analyzed translation unit. In fact, this is 
> an abstraction, that makes it possible to develop the checkers and the 
> modelling mechanism independently. With you patch, the checker should observe 
> the model declaration explicitly. I think, a better design would somehow 
> merge the attributes that are coming from the original translation unit with 
> the attributes coming from the model files, and expore that set of 
> attributes. This way the checker could not tell what the source of the 
> information is. Unfortunately I do not know what would be the best way to 
> enfore this, since the checkers can just observe the AST of the original 
> translation unit and bypassing the models.

I agree, abstracting the attributes' origin is nicer, hopefully we can find a 
solution that is elegant enough. I will have a look.


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