| What was your primary motivation?
A similar concern to PR20455 from our own debugger.  It much helps matching up 
the forward declaration and definition to have the parameters properly 

| maybe it's possible to remangle the template using just the string name
I have no idea what you're talking about here.
| | Choosing to emit a forward/incomplete declaration in the first place fails 
source fidelity,
| How so?
When the source has a full definition but Clang chooses to emit only the 
declaration, per CGDebugInfo.cpp/shouldOmitDefinition().

From: David Blaikie [mailto:dblai...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 12:10 AM
To: Robinson, Paul
Cc: reviews+d14358+public+d3104135076f0...@reviews.llvm.org; cfe-commits 
Subject: Re: [PATCH] D14358: DWARF's forward decl of a template should have 
template parameters.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 11:32 PM, Robinson, Paul 
Would citing PR20455 help?  It wasn't actually my primary motivation but it's 
not too far off.  Having the template parameters there lets you know what's 
going on in the DWARF, without having to fetch and parse the name string of 
every struct you come across.  Actually I'm not sure parsing the name string is 
unambiguous either; each parameter is either a typename, or an expression, but 
without the parameter DIEs you don't know which, a-priori.  (What does <foo> 
mean? Depends on whether you think it should be a type name or a value; you 
can't tell, syntactically, you have to do some lookups.  Ah, but if you had the 
parameter DIEs, you would Just Know.)

For LLDB's needs, I'm not sure it's sufficient either - but I wouldn't mind an 
answer before we use it as the basis for this change (it sounds like maybe it's 
possible to remangle the template using just the string name, rather than 
needing an explicit representation of the parameters)

What was your primary motivation?

 Choosing to emit a forward/incomplete declaration in the first place fails 
source fidelity,

How so? You might have only a template declaration (template<typename T> struct 
foo; foo<int> *f;) or you may've only instantiated the declaration (the C++ 
language requires you to instantiate or avoid instantiating certain things in 
certain places, so in some contexts you /only/ have an instantiated 
declaration, not a definition)

but it is a practical engineering tradeoff of compile/link performance against 
utility; and, after all, the source *could* have been written that way, with no 
semantic difference.  But, if we're going to emit a white-lie incomplete 
declaration, we should do so correctly.

Again, "correct" in DWARF is a fairly nebulous concept.


P.S. We should talk about this forward-declaration tactic wrt LTO sometime.  I 
have a case where a nested class got forward-declared; it's entirely 
conceivable that the outer class with the inner forward-declared class would 
end up being picked by LTO, leaving the user with no debug info for the inner 
class contents.

I believe this Just Works(tm). The things that can vary per-insntance of a type 
(implicit special members, member template implicit specializations, and nested 
types*) are not added to the type's child list, but they reference the child as 
their parent. So they continue to apply no matter which instance of the type is 
picked for uniquing (because of the name-based referencing, so the nested type 
definition just says "my parent is _Zfoo" and whatever _Zfoo we end up picking 
in the LTO linking/metadata deduplication will serve that role just fine)

* we could just do a better job of modelling nested types (& other non-globally 
scoped types) in a way that more closely models the source by emitting a 
declaration where they were declared, and a definition where they are defined 
(with the usual DW_AT_specification to wire them up)

From: David Blaikie [mailto:dblai...@gmail.com<mailto:dblai...@gmail.com>]
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 8:30 PM
 Robinson, Paul
Subject: Re: [PATCH] D14358: DWARF's forward decl of a template should have 
template parameters.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 5:53 PM, Paul Robinson via cfe-commits 
<cfe-commits@lists.llvm.org<mailto:cfe-commits@lists.llvm.org>> wrote:
probinson added a comment.

GCC 4.8.4 on Linux doesn't produce these, but DWARF 4 section 5.5.8 says a 
class template instantiation is just like the equivalent non-template class 
entry, with the exception of the template parameter entries.  I read that as 
meaning an incomplete description (i.e. with DW_AT_declaration) lets you omit 
all the other children, but not the template parameters.

As usual, I think it's pretty hard to argue that DWARF /requires/ anything 
(permissive & all that). And I'm not sure that having these is particularly 
valuable/useful - what use do you have in mind for them?

Wouldn't hurt to have some size info about the cost here, though I don't 
imagine it's massive, it does open us up to emitting a whole slew of new types 
(the types the template is instantiated with, and anything that depends on - 
breaking/avoiding type edges can, in my experience, be quite beneficial (I 
described an example of this in my lightning talk last week)).

I don't think omitting the template DIEs was an intentional optimization, in 
the sense of being a decision separate from deciding to emit the 
incomplete/forward declaration in the first place.  They were just omitted 
because we were omitting everything, but everything turns out to be 


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