morehouse added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/tools/clang-fuzzer/handle-llvm/handle_llvm.cpp:173
+  int s = getSize((char *) func_ptr);
+  memcpy(mem, func_ptr, s);
emmettneyman wrote:
> morehouse wrote:
> > Why do we need to copy the function somewhere else?  Looks very error-prone 
> > and unnecessary.  Also makes this patch larger than it needs to be.
> I'm copying the functions because otherwise, the generated machine code gets 
> lost as soon as we exit that function's scope. So I'd have to run the 
> functions inside `CreateJITFunction` if I don't copy it.
> I thought about doing it this way: moving the code from `RunFuncsOnInputs` to 
> the bottom of `CreateJITFunction` and then comparing the arrays after both 
> calls to `CreateJITFunction` inside `HandleLLVM`. Do you think that would be 
> cleaner?
Or just increase the scope of `EE`.

  rC Clang

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