cdavis5x added a comment.

In, @cdavis5x wrote:

> In, @mstorsjo wrote:
> > > Special thanks to KJK::Hyperion for his excellent series of articles on 
> > > how EH works on x86-64 Windows. (Seriously, check it out. It's awesome.)
> >
> > Can you give some links to it? A brief googling didn't turn up much else 
> > than the PSEH library.
> I can't seem to find it either. I wonder if it's vanished from the Internet. 
> Maybe the IA will have something.

Found it: Interestingly, a reference to that was 
in the MinGW headers--I think that's how I found it in the first place. I'll 
update the description.

In, @zturner wrote:

> In, @rnk wrote:
> > In, @cdavis5x wrote:
> >
> > > Could somebody verify that the `DISPATCHER_CONTEXT` struct is defined in 
> > > `<winnt.h>` for the Win8 and Win10 SDKs? I can't install them right now.
> >
> >
> > I checked both, and they are available, so I think we should guard the 
> > definition like this:
> >
> >   // Provide a definition for _DISPATCHER_CONTEXT for Win7 and earlier SDK 
> > versions.
> >   // Mingw64 has always provided this struct.
> >   #if defined(_LIBUNWIND_SUPPORT_SEH_UNWIND) && !defined(__MINGW64__) && 
> > defined(WINVER) && WINVER < _WIN32_WINNT_WIN8
> >   # if defined(__x86_64__)
> >   typedef struct _DISPATCHER_CONTEXT { ... } DISPATCHER_CONTEXT;
> >   # elif defined(__arm__)
> >   typedef struct _DISPATCHER_CONTEXT { ... } DISPATCHER_CONTEXT;
> >   # endif
> >   #endif
> >
> >
> > Does that seem right? I'm not super familiar with SDK version detection, so 
> > I might have the wrong macros.
> I believe you need to check `VER_PRODUCTBUILD` from `<ntverp.h>` if you are 
> looking for the version of the Windows SDK that is being used to build the 
> current application.

Thanks, @rnk and @zturner.

  rUNW libunwind

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