kristina added a comment.

Giving it a second glance, just as an idea, maybe it's better to leave ObjC 
pragmas out for now, for another more narrower-scope revision/review specific 
to ObjC(/Swift)? Since they could cause incorrect code generation if combined 
in odd ways (as well as making no sense) especially with Automatic Reference 
Counting. For example a function annotated as returning a retained object while 
at the same time returning with release, and also a bridge annotation, may just 
miss the sema check and fail at runtime instead, which could be fairly erratic 
as it may vary depending on the `autoreleasepool` state as well as the runtime 
being used and could turn into a difficult bug to debug if it ever happened in 
the wild. I think semantic checker should catch the non-ObjC cases but only 
some ObjC cases. Another concern is Swift with Apple runtime and ObjC <=> Swift 
bridged objects (when Swift classes inherit ObjC classes or even interact with 
them) may introduce even more complications, and Swift patches and integration 
doesn't happen as part of mainline LLVM development, which complicates code 
review. Rest of it looks good however, not sure what you want to to do with the 
ObjC pragmas, they could be left in and re-reviewed later since that would mean 
they would end up in Swift development integration tree too.

  rC Clang

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