ioeric added inline comments.

Comment at: clangd/index/MemIndex.h:30
+  /// Builds an index from a slab. The shared_ptr manages the slab's lifetime.
+  static std::shared_ptr<SymbolIndex> build(SymbolSlab Slab);
sammccall wrote:
> ioeric wrote:
> > (It's a bit unfortunate that this has to return `shared_ptr` now)
> Since some of the resources it owns has a shared lifetime, this is really 
> just reflecting reality I think. Whether that's visible or invisible seems 
> like a wash to me.
This is only true when this is used with `SwapIndex` right? For example, a 
static Dex/Mem index would probbaly have `unique_ptr` ownership.

Comment at: clangd/index/dex/DexIndex.h:42
+  // All symbols must outlive this index.
+  template <typename Range> DexIndex(Range &&Symbols) {
+    for (auto &&Sym : Symbols)
sammccall wrote:
> ioeric wrote:
> > Why is this constructor needed? I think this could restrict the flexibility 
> > of DexIndex initialization, in case we need to pass in extra parameters 
> > here.
> I'm not sure exactly what you mean here.
> We need a way to specify the symbols to be indexed.
> Because these are now immutable, doing that in the constructor if possible is 
> best.
> Previously this was a vector<const Symbol*>, but that sometimes required us 
> to construct that big vector, dereference all those pointers, and throw away 
> the vector. This signature is strictly more general (if you have a vector of 
> pointers, you can pass `make_pointee_range<const Symbol>`)
> > in case we need to pass in extra parameters here.
> What stops us adding more parameters?
> What stops us adding more parameters?
I thought this template was added so that we could use it as a drop-in 
replacement of `MemIndex` (with the same signature) e.g. in `FileIndex`? I 
might have overthought though.

Thanks for the explanation!

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