phosek added a comment.

In, @mstorsjo wrote:

> I'll see if I can get to looking at that sometime soon. I had this patch 
> lying around as an attempt to work around the libtool issue in 
> which doesn't seem to be 
> going anywhere (and even if it did, it probably takes quite a bit of time 
> before a new libtool release is made and it gets propagated to most places 
> where I'd like to use this), and was curious if there was any specific reason 
> for having this the way it was, or just the usual; historical reasons that it 
> has started out like this and haven't had a need to change until now. If you 
> otherwise would happen to be touching the same areas, feel free to pick it up 
> ;-) otherwise I'll try to look at addressing your points in a few days.

I'd be happy to pick this up. I already planned to do more refactoring/cleanup 
of this part of the driver. @beanz is improving the Darwin toolchain driver to 
make more like other Clang drivers, so I want to first sync up with him to make 
sure this is also going to work for them.

  rC Clang

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