asavonic added a comment.

In, @Anastasia wrote:

> It seems generally good to partition this big header but I am trying to 
> understand what problem is it trying to solve now?

Main motivation is to reduce memory footprint by factoring out everything that 
is 'common' between PCHs compiled for different targets (CL1.2/2.0 and 

> So if we want to add these 2 devices, we now need 4*2 different PCHs,
>  since every combination of -cl-std and -triple must be compiled twice
>  with different OpenCL extensions defines.
> Size of each PCH is 2.5M, so we need ~20M of memory to store our
>  PCHs. If we want to add more devices or support another OpenCL C
>  version, the size will double.

This also allows to do 'partial' pre-compilation, where 'common' part is 
pre-compiled into a single target independent PCH, and plain header is used for 
all target-specific things.
In this case, you no longer need to maintain different target-specific PCHs and 
this greatly simplifies the whole process.

> opencl-c-platform.h (5K LOC) must still be pre-compiled for each
>  supported combination, but since it is a lot smaller (~0.5M vs
>  original 2.5M), it is not that bad. Or we can sacrifice some
>  performance and leave this header without pre-compilation: large
>  portion of opencl-c-platform.h contains vendor extensions, so it will
>  be removed by preprocessor anyway.

  rC Clang

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