NoQ added a comment.

I'm generally fine with landing the patch as long as the overall direction is 
chosen (and be moved towards) for how to safely identify the non-deterministic 
iterators (my previous inline question). This has to be addressed before we 
move out of alpha, but i believe we should pick at least some direction now, 
because i've very little idea about how to actually do that safely, and i'm 
worried that we'll get stuck in a dead end here.

Package name sounds good.

Comment at: test/Analysis/ptr-sort.cpp:1
+// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 
-analyzer-checker=core,alpha.nondeterminism.PointerSorting %s 
-analyzer-output=text -verify
There's no need to test with -analyzer-output=text for a syntactic check, 
because you're not checking path diagnostics. It'll make tests tidier by not 
forcing you to test notes.

If you ever decide to add extra "note" pieces to your checker, they'll be shown 
in the default output anyway.

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