rsmith added a comment.

Thanks, some comments but the approach here looks great.

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/
+def err_pp_file_not_found_typo_not_fatal
+    : Error<"'%0' file not found due to leading or trailing non-alphanumeric "
+            "characters">;
 def err_pp_error_opening_file : Error<
Our usual convention is to phrase this as "'%0' file not found; did you mean 
'%1'?". I don't think we need to describe the exact process we used to figure 
out the intended filename here; the user should be able to compare the names 
before and after to determine what we changed.

Comment at: lib/Lex/PPDirectives.cpp:1901
+            FilenameLoc,
+            LangOpts.MSVCCompat ? NormalizedPath.c_str() : Filename, false,
+            LookupFrom, LookupFromFile, CurDir,
You're passing in `false` for `isAngled` here, and producing a double-quoted 
replacement below. Is that intentional? I would expect that we would preserve 
the form of the header-name (quoted or angled) and suggest a replacement with 
the same form.

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