ldionne added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D45639#1242444, @phosek wrote:

> In https://reviews.llvm.org/D45639#1193112, @ldionne wrote:
> > @phosek I don't understand how you can expect code compiled with new 
> > headers to link against an old dylib, unless you're setting the target 
> > platform, in which case anything that would fail to link will instead be a 
> > compiler error. I mean, we're adding stuff to the dylib from one version to 
> > the next, so _of course_ it won't always work.
> @ldionne it's the other way round. Today, Clang driver on macOS automatically 
> uses headers that are part of the compiler distribution (i.e. 
> `-I../include/c++/v1`) but it always links against the system library 
> (`/usr/lib/libc++.dylib`) because the library path to libraries that are 
> shipped with the compiler (`-L../lib`) is never added to the link-line. Those 
> two may not necessarily be the same version, and almost certainly won't be if 
> you use Clang build from trunk.

Sorry, my comment was wrong. You're right, using new libc++ headers and linking 
against an old `libc++.dylib` is a supported use case, and in fact this is 
exactly what happens whenever you use new libc++ headers and link against the 
system-provided `libc++.dylib` on macOS. However, what is _not_ supported is 
linking against a new `libc++.dylib` and then trying to run using the system's 
`libc++.dylib`, which may be older.

If you add `-L<driver-path>/../lib`, will you start linking against the 
Clang-provided `libc++.dylib`? If so, and if you run the resulting application 
without setting the `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` to include the Clang-provided 
`libc++.dylib`, your program won't run because the system `libc++.dylib` may 
not include all symbols that the newer Clang-provided `libc++.dylib` contains.

> We hit this case again recently where developers are trying to use libc++ 
> filesystem library. Using `#include <filesystem>` just works but `-lc++fs` 
> fails because that library is not shipped as part of macOS at the moment, so 
> developers need to add explicit `-L<path to compiler>/../lib` on macOS. This 
> is not the case on other platforms such as Linux.

Not shipping filesystem on macOS is a design choice we're making because the 
filesystem library is not ABI stable. Adding `-L<path-to-compiler>/../lib` 
explicitly shows that you understand you're doing something unusual (and not 
officially supported), which is good.

I assume this does not happen on Linux because Linux distributions must include 
`libc++fs.a` as part of their system -- is that really the case?

> The purpose of this patch is to make the driver behave more consistently 
> across platforms so developers who build their own Clang don't need to 
> explicitly pass `-L<path to compiler>/../lib` on macOS.

Thanks for the good explanation -- now I understand the purpose of the patch. 
However, I think we need a larger discussion around how libc++ is shipped to 
users and what use cases we want to support. For example, one question I have 
is why we're even shipping `libc++.dylib`, `libc++abi.dylib` and 
`libunwind.dylib` in our LLVM releases for MacOS, given they are provided by 
the system (and mixing them is a recipe for disaster). Another question is 
whether the LLVM-provided Clang should instead always link to the LLVM-provided 
libraries (which would require users setting the `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` properly 
to avoid falling back onto the macOS-provided `libc++.dylib`).

I'm quite sympathetic to your use case (and in fact we have similar use cases), 
but I'm uncomfortable moving forward with this patch until we have a better 
understanding of some important surrounding questions. I'd like to talk with 
@dexonsmith about it and then maybe we can meet at the LLVM Dev Meeting (if you 
plan to attend) with other libc++ people to flesh those questions out?

  rC Clang


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