djasper added inline comments.

Comment at: unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp:11604
+               "      x.end(),   //\n"
+               "      [&](int, int) { return 1; });\n"
oleg.smolsky wrote:
> krasimir wrote:
> > This looks a bit suspicious: I'd expect a break before the first arg to be 
> > forced only when there exists a multiline (after formatting) lambda 
> > expression arg. Is this (multiline vs. lambdas fitting 1 line) something 
> > that we (can) differentiate with respect to? djasper@ might have an insight 
> > on this.
> Well, yes, I can see where you are coming from - the lambda is short and 
> would fit. Unfortunately, I am not sure how to implement this nuance... I 
> think I'd need to get the length of the unwrapped line and then check whether 
> it fits in
> Also, I personally favor less indentation (i.e. full width for the lambda) as 
> that prevents drastic reformat when the lambda body changes. (that's why this 
> patch exists)
I agree with Krasimir here.

If you prefer less indentation, great. Set AlignAfterOpenBracket to 
"AlwaysBreak" and we don't need any of this ;-) (as Krasimir has suggested 

In more seriousness, I think getting all these cases right, I appreciate that 
it is difficult. However, I also like to make sure that we do get them right. 
Changing clang-format's behavior for any of these cases is not a small thing, 
it will cause churn for *a lot* of people. We should try really hard to not 
have changes in there that people will find detrimental. This of course is 
subjective, so we won't get to 100%, but if in doubt for specific cases, let's 
err on the side of not changing the current behavior.

Comment at: unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp:11736
+  // line and there are no further args.
+  verifyFormat("function(1, [this, that] {\n"
+               "  //\n"
oleg.smolsky wrote:
> krasimir wrote:
> > Could we please have a test case where there are several args packed on the 
> > first line, then a line break, then an arg, then a multiline lambda as a 
> > last arg (illustrating that we don't pull the first arg down if there's 
> > only a multiline lambda as the last arg):
> > ```
> > function(a, b, ccccccc,
> >          d, [] () {
> >   body
> > });
> > ```
> Sure, that seems to work, but not in the way you expected :) I'll update the 
> patch...
> ```
>   verifyFormat("function(a, b, c, //\n"
>                "         d, [this, that] {\n"
>                "           //\n"
>                "         });\n");
> ```
We should try to prevent that (unless it's also the current behavior of 
course). People have filed various bugs about this before and it is not 
generally an accepted formatting.

  rC Clang

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