neerajksingh added a comment.

In, @hans wrote:

> The `-Xclang` option has the same issue, and I think `/clang:` should work 
> similarly, i.e. `/clang:-MF /clang:<filename>`. It's not pretty, but at least 
> it's consistent. Yes, that means processing consecutive `/Xclang:` options 
> together, but hopefully that's doable.

It looks like the handling for -Xclang is a lot simpler (in 
`Clang::ConstructJob`).  There the Xclang options are all gathered and 
forwarded at a particular spot in the command line for cc1.  They aren't 
interleaved with other options, and it wouldn't really make sense to do so 
anyway since it doesn't really look like cc1 arguments are constructed from 
driver arguments in any particular order.

The llvm/lib/Option/OptTable.cpp code is not really setup to easily interleave 
arguments like would be required for your request.  Can you see a way to 
accomplish what you want without a deep refactoring of OptTable::ParseArgs and 
the InputArgList class?

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